Should I Request Client Testimonials For My Website?

In the world of psychotherapy, ethical considerations play a pivotal role in maintaining the integrity and trust of the therapeutic relationship. One controversial topic within this realm is whether client testimonials for psychotherapy should be something requested for the purpose of advertising. This question was part of a recent debate I was involved in and I had to really think about what it means to me to continue to decide not to use testimonials in any of my advertising.

How Client Testimonials Help

With a background in digital marketing, the importance of online reviews in supporting the growth of a business is well known to me. Testimonials can be powerful tools for attracting new clients. I am aware of how reviews and testimonials lend kudos and validate a business and I have given reviews for other businesses on that basis. When so much can be manipulated for search engines, genuine client testimonials are one aspect of optimisation that cannot be easily circumvented. ‘People buy from people’ so having reviews speaks volumes about what others in similar positions have found beneficial and supportive about a particular business. Also, these days Google won’t even show a website in the top listings on mobile, if they do not have reviews!

However….. is it ethical?

The ethical implications however, are significant, as highlighted by the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP).

The UKCP Code of Ethics explicitly states that psychotherapists should not include testimonials from clients in any form of advertising, as follows;

13. Not make any claims which you cannot demonstrate to be true or include testimonials from clients in any advertising.

This prohibition is grounded in the fundamental principles of confidentiality, privacy, and the protection of the therapeutic relationship. Testimonials, by their nature, may reveal details about a client’s personal experiences, potentially breaching the confidentiality that is crucial to the therapeutic process.

How about anonymous testimonials?

The primary concern surrounding testimonials is the potential compromise of the therapeutic alliance. Psychotherapy relies on a confidential and trusting relationship between therapist and client. When clients are approached to provide testimonials, the power dynamic may shift, creating a situation where clients feel obligated to share positive experiences. This could potentially impact the authenticity of the testimonial, as clients may feel uncomfortable expressing any negative aspects of their therapeutic journey.

Furthermore, the UKCP emphasizes the importance of maintaining professional boundaries. Seeking testimonials may blur these boundaries and create a conflict of interest. The therapeutic process is intended for the benefit of the client, and any actions that might compromise this focus are considered ethically questionable.

So, is an anonymous review any better than none at all? Maybe Google thinks so but while testimonials can be powerful marketing tools, psychotherapists must balance their desire to promote their services with the ethical responsibilities outlined by professional bodies like the UKCP. Adhering to these guidelines ensures that the integrity of the therapeutic process remains intact, fostering an environment of trust and confidentiality that is essential for effective psychotherapy. Ultimately, ethical considerations should guide the decisions of psychotherapists as they navigate the complex terrain of advertising and promotion in their profession.

So this is why I continue to not use any client testimonials in my advertising. If at some point in the near future I do have testimonials listed on my website, they will not be client testimonials for psychotherapy.

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

Couples Therapy: When is the Right Time?

Recently I had a conversation with a friend about couples therapy, what it involves and how it can help a relationship. “But it’s usually for when things are pretty bad in the relationship, right?”, she said to me. “Oh, no, not at all! It can certainly help when things are going wrong but there’s so much to gain from couples therapy long before things are breaking down”, I replied. I realised I might take the importance of couples therapy for granted. For me it is a chance to improve on communication between two people and air any grievances in a holding and supportive environment facilitated by an impartial third person. If individual therapy can be a tool in the self-improvement kit, why can’t couples therapy too? I reflected on this as a major misconception about relationship counselling.

The Rollercoaster of Relationships

In the intricate dance of a romantic relationship, there often comes a time when partners find themselves stumbling over each other’s steps. It’s not uncommon for conflicts to arise, communication to falter, and the once vibrant connection to dim. In these moments of turbulence, many couples contemplate seeking the help of a couples therapist to navigate the complexities of their relationship.

It’s All About Timing

Timing is crucial when it comes to couples therapy. The ideal moment isn’t necessarily when the relationship is teetering on the edge of collapse; instead, it’s often best sought when the first signs of strain appear. Early intervention can prevent deep-rooted issues from taking hold, allowing couples to address challenges before they become insurmountable.

One indicator that it might be the right time for couples therapy is a breakdown in communication. When open dialogue turns into a series of misunderstandings, arguments, or even prolonged periods of silence, it’s a red flag that something needs attention. Couples therapy provides a safe space for partners to build deeper connections and learn effective communication skills that can strengthen their bond.

Major Life Transitions

Another opportune moment for couples therapy is when major life transitions occur. Whether it’s moving in together, getting married, having children, or facing an empty nest, these milestones can bring about unexpected challenges. Couples therapy can help partners navigate these transitions, fostering understanding and resilience in the face of change.

Furthermore, seeking couples counselling during a period of heightened stress can be incredibly beneficial. External pressures, such as work-related stress, financial difficulties, or family issues, can strain a relationship. Relationship counselling equips partners with coping mechanisms and stress management tools, enabling them to support each other through challenging times.

In conclusion, the best time for couples psychotherapy is when the first signs of distress emerge. Whether it’s a breakdown in communication, major life transitions, or external stressors, seeking help early on can pave the way for a healthier, more resilient relationship. Remember, it’s never too early to invest in the well-being of your partnership and discover the path to lasting harmony.

Get in touch to find out about current availability for therapy together with your partner.

Image by Solie Jordan from Pixabay

Improve Your Mental Strength

Ever wondered why some people seem to bounce back effortlessly from life’s curveballs while others struggle to regain their footing? The secret lies in mental strength – that intangible power to recover from adversity, rise above setbacks, and embrace challenges head-on.

What is Mental Strength?

Mental strength, or mental resilience is the emotional ability of being able to recover from adversity.

  • Mentally resilient people often transcend hard times despite seemingly impossible setbacks.
  • Mental resilience is correlated with emotional maturity and the ability to see reality clearly.
  • Mental resilience is negatively correlated with psychopathology and emotional immaturity.

Promoting Mental Strength

Just like sculpting those biceps at the gym, mental strength demands discipline, commitment, and time.  Let’s take look at the habits of mentally strong people:

1. They Don’t Compare Themselves With Others Scrolling through social media can trigger the comparison game, but mentally strong people know that every moment spent comparing is a moment lost on personal growth. External opinions don’t define them. Mentally strong people build their self-belief, immune to criticism or rejection.

2. They Don’t Strive for Perfection Perfectionism, the sneaky stress inducer, is a no-go zone. Set high standards, but don’t let the pursuit of perfection impair your performance because just like Father Christmas, it doesn’t exist.

3. They Embrace Vulnerability Game faces have their time and place, but mentally strong people recognise that asking for help and showing vulnerability are signs of strength, not weakness.

4. They Don’t Let Self-Doubt Stop Them Your brain might whisper doubts, but mentally strong women don’t let self-doubt be the roadblock to their goals. They know the brain tends to underestimate their capabilities.

5. Ditch Rumination Ruminating over every detail is a mental energy drain. Instead, focus on problem-solving and productive action, freeing up your mind for what truly matters.

6. Putting the Big Girl Pants On Avoiding challenges keeps you stuck. Mentally strong people face fears head-on, one step at a time, building confidence along the way. Whether someone told you that you’d never amount to anything, or you got turned down for a promotion, other people can limit your potential if you let them. Your brain might sometimes try to convince you that you’re not good enough, capable enough, or smart enough. But don’t believe everything you think. Your brain will underestimate you. Build belief in yourself, and you won’t let criticism or rejection stop you.

7. Find The Strength Within Strong people find ways to pull on inner strength to build themselves up. They have no need to pull others down in order to achieve this. Genuine cheerleading is the true path to success. Putting others down is a short-lived boost; uplifting others creates a lasting impact.

8. Take Responsibility For yourself. Accepting responsibility is crucial, but toxic self-blame hinders progress. Learn from mistakes and grow, without labelling yourself negatively. While it’s important to accept personal responsibility when you make a mistake, toxic self-blame does more harm than good so it’s also wise to avoid it. Saying “I made a bad choice” is much more productive than thinking “I am a bad person.”

9. Sing Your Own Praises No need to downplay achievements. Mentally strong people gracefully accept compliments, owning their success without fear of appearing arrogant.


Image by gibbysocks from Pixabay